Hi! I’m Isabelle, a passionate researcher on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) with 18+ years of experience in the field. Since 2010, I hold a PhD diploma from the University of Zaragoza, Spain. My thesis focused on affective computing, more particularly on facial expression analysis to enhance the interaction of humans with virtual agents.

Throughout my carreer, I have worked at different institutions of very different nature: purely academic (Affective Lab - University of Zaragoza; Sorbonne University, Paris), technological institutes (Aragon Institute of Technology, Zaragoza; Institut des Systèmes Intelligents et de Robotique CNRS, France), and private sector (Herta). This has provided me with a very broad picture of the IT field, from the earliest stages of fundamental research to bringing a final product to the market.

My research has always keep focusing on AI, affective computing, facial analysis, face recognition and human-machine (-robot, -computer, -virtual worlds) interaction. I find these fields particularly attractive, as they require an inter/multidisciplinary approach involving very different players, such as computer scientists, robotic engineers, security bodies, psychologists, philosophers, artists, neuroscientists and humanists. I’m currently a Scientific Officer at the European Commission, exploring the policy side of technology and contributing to establish the path towards trustworthy AI and digital worlds in the European Union.

I have more than 80 scientific publications in highly-ranked journals and well-known international conferences. I have a track record participation in National (French and Spanish) and European (H2020, Interreg, Echord++, Eureka, AAL and SME Instument) public-funded projects. I have been part of more than 35 of them, under different roles, from development tasks to project management. A significant number of these projects have resulted in the technological transfer of cutting-edge R&D results to real and highly innovative industry products.

I am also extremely proud to be an Ambassador for Zaragoza, my hometown, contributing to consolidate the brand of this wonderful and talented city all over the world.

Last but not least, I’m strongly committed to women’s rights, encouraging young girls to take an interest in technical careers, and a convinced advocate for diversity in AI. Since 2005, I belong to the Spanish flagship Association of Women Researchers and Technologists (AMIT). I believe that ensuring the defence of the interests and equal opportunities for all is an agent of change for society, technology and science.

When not working, I’m likely visiting schools to foster STEM vocation in girls, playing drums, watching TV series or spending some time with my lovely puppy Baba.